
Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 Results

Below are the competition results for 2011:

English Bitter:
  1. Bruce - English Pale
  2. Cami - ESB
  3. Rob K - Ordinary Bitter

Flying Carp Open (low gravity):
  1. Mike H -  Framboise
  2. Mike H -  Saison
  3. Mike J - Octoberfest

  1. Mike H -  Eisbock
  2. Mike J - Traditional
  3. Mike J - Traditional

Wood Aged:
  1. Mike H -  Old Ale (oak)
  2. Mike J - Robust Porter (whiskey barrel)
  3. Mike J -  Double IPA - (cedar)

  1. Rob K -  Open Category Mead
  2. Mike H - Traditional
  3. Cami -  Semi-sweet

  1. Mike J -  Honey Grape Saphron
  2. Mike J -  Eisweizenbock
  3. Troy J - Holiday Barleyweizen

Crying Flarp (high gravity):
  1. Davo
  2. Scott E
  3. Mike J

Hail to Hefeweizen:
  1. Mike J - Weizenbock
  2. Davo - Dunkelweizen
  3. Travis G - Dunkelweizen

And the ZZHOPS homebrewer of the year for 2011 is Mike Johnson!  Congratulations to all the 2011 winners!